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Benefits to Using a Mouth Rinse

For a more complete dental care routine, a mouth rinse may be exactly what you need. The purpose of a mouth rinse is to offer another layer of protection for teeth and gums. Rinses also guard against bad breath. But does this type of product live up to the hype? Manufactures of mouth rinses tout a variety of benefits from preventing plaque build up to fighting plaque buildup and tooth decay. There are ingredients to help combat a slew of dental conditions, but which mouth rinse is really right for you? That depends on your personal needs. But here’s a rundown on possible benefits.

The Fight Against Halitosis

Foods, tobacco products and even prescription medicines can cause bad breath. A mouth rinse can freshen your breath by removing halitosis causing particles from your mouth. Depending on active ingredients, a mouth rinse kills bacteria associated with bad breath. Plus, there are a variety of flavoring ingredients in these products to make the taste pleasant to users. One word of caution: mouth rinses are a temporary solution to combating bad breath. Continual bouts of halitosis require medical attention from a dental professional.

Preventing Tooth Decay

In combinations with brushing and flossing, a mouth rinse can stop cavities from forming. The key here is that the rinse must be used before and after flossing in order to be effective in reducing the formation of cavities. Rinses along won’t be as effective. With regard to preventing cavities, mouth rinses that contain fluoride are the better choices. Fluoride is known to strengthen tooth enamel, making it harder for tooth decay to happen. Be sure to check the mouth rinse label to ensure the formula includes fluoride.

Keeping Gum Disease at Bay

Mouth rinses with the appropriate active ingredients can also help you ward off gum disease. An over-the-counter mouth wash, along with a regular routine of brushing your teeth and flossing, may round out a trifecta of good dental hygiene. Mouth rinses specifically aimed at preventing gum diseases like gingivitis targets bacterial that is doing harm to your gums. If you already noticed inflamed gums, you may need a prescription rinse versus an over-the-counter product to take care of the problem.

Helping to Stop Plaque Buildup

If you are looking for one more line of defense in preventing plaque buildup, a mouth rinse may be just the ticket. Various mouth rinses are made specifically to help prevent plaque buildup on teeth and gums. Much like flossing, the rinse can flush out food particles in-between and on the surface of teeth. This prevents the buildup of bacteria that causes plaque. One drawback to using a rinse is that it is not effective in reducing existing plague. Dental cleanings will be needed to take care of that. But after a professional cleaning, the use of a mouth rinse can stop future buildup.

Be Product Savvy and Watch Out for Product Claims

Be warned that any claims of mouth rinse benefits, such as killing germs and bacteria that lead to gum disease, must be legitimate. According to the Food and Drug Administration, mouth rinses must not make unproven claim. If the product claims to prevent plaque buildup, cavities or gum disease, there must be scientific proof that it does. If you want to use a mouth rinse, check with your dentist or dental hygienist to discuss and uncover a product that right for you. Plus, if you want a product that lives up to its claims, check to see if it carries the ADA seal of approval.

The bottom line, mouth rinses can be beneficial. Just remember that a mouth rinse alone is not effective. Benefits are realized when rinsing is used in addition to proper brushing and flossing.